Name? Claudia Capelli
What did you study? I graduated in Communication and Art's Didactics (Master's degree) with a thesis about Art's Magazine, Artists' Magazine and Tackle's inception having with supervisor Alessandro Mancassola (artist of duo Barbara and Ale) and previously in Art's Didactics for Museums (Bachelor's degree) with a thesis about contemporary African art and previously... Ok, it's enough.
Can you describe yourself with 3 words?
_ Slow
_ SLow
_ SLOw (but not too much)
What makes you smile?
Dr. Frankenstein: You know, I don't mean to embarrass you, but I'm a rather brilliant surgeon. Perhaps I can help you with that hump.
Igor: What hump?
[Frankenstein Junior]
How often do you make a tackle? Beeeeeep
Referee! I did nothing, if she doesn't know how to be standing it's not my guilt!
Name? B-r-a-d
What did you study? zzzzzz
Can you describe yourself with 3 words? zzzzzzz
What makes you smile? zzzzzzz
How often do you make a tackle? zzzzzzz
[Sorry but Brad fell asleep after the first question]

Name? Alice Vangelisti
What did you study? I’m attending the Master of Communication and Art’s Didactics and I graduated in Art’s Didactics for Museums with a thesis about sacred art in Camonica Valley, my homeland… blablabla… Sorry, I began to talk too much about it! Let’s stop me!
Can you describe yourself with 3 words?
_ Lost in my many worlds
_ …
_ Have I yet said lost in my many worlds?
What makes you smile? When a cat has an epic fall and then tries to play it cool and acts like nothing happened… That’s so funny! What else? Well, all the strangest, the craziest and the most unusual things make me smile… But nothing compares to funny cats.
How often do you make a tackle? When I try (and I always do), I usually end up with a broken leg (mine or more often someone else’s). But it’s not like I’m exactly bad at it… It’s just that I’m a little bit duffer (just a little, though).