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Looking for the world's analogies

You said that at first you didn’t dare and you had a feeling of fear towards street photography. But 2 trips to NY gave you the courage to start dealing with it. Why did you feel like that? And why do you think NY helped you to surpass this fear?

The word fear is a bit strong, I was afraid not to succeed in capture scenes I loved to see in books, and I was wondering about people’s reactions.

New York has always been the city who gives me the desire to start street photography because I saw its many images before starting photography. So it was like if I had no choice, I had to try, and my first photographs confirm me I want to do that.

I think New York is a very good place to begin because people don’t pay attention to you so it’s more comfortable.

What’s funny for you and which is the funniest scene you ever seen and captured in one of your pics?

I have a very large sense of humor. So, lots of scenes give me smile. I work on a series called Analogies and the main goal of this work is to be funny. But for this series, I work with a title in French, generally the title comes in my mind before I click and that’s why I give a title to these images.

Juxtaposition, repetition of elements, funny interaction between persons in my frame, and weird behaviour are the things who give me smile. ​

For the funniest scene/photograph, I think I prefer to show you one of another photographer. I think it's the perfect example of the Tackle spirit and perfect shot. Funny, poetic, aesthetic, a masterpiece by Matt Stuart.

Pic by Matt Stuart

What role does photography play in your life and how does it change the way you view the world?

Photography is good way to run away from my work and this is a kind of hobby which take a lot of time, but it’s very grateful to see my photographs exhibit in International events like Miami Street Photography Festival for example.

Photography give me an excuse to travel more and more and I’m very lucky that my very lovely and patient girlfriend loves that too and likes what I do.

For her and other people, I’m a weirdo when I stop in a street just for a sunbeam on a wall, or just when I shot a orange traffic cone (one of my other passion).

So I can say photography doesn’t change my view but I give all my attention to all the possible details I meet, contrary to a no photographer.

Photography make me think every time. When I’m in the street to compose and to look for funny references, but also when I’m doing nothing special, every time I’m looking for another project, subject, or something.

Clearly, for me street photography is a full time hobby.

You live in Paris. Is there a special place that you visit to take inspiration for your pics?

I live in the Center of Paris, 5 minutes’ walk away from Grands Magasins on boulevard Haussmann. This street is full of people all day long with lots of tourists and honestly, tourists are rather funny with their attitudes. ​So if I want to focus on funny scenes It's the first place I​'m going. But Paris is a pretty good place to have some fun, whatever the neighbourhood. I really think you can catch funny moments wherever you are just paying attention to the others and to the place you are. It's just that when you're in Paris, NY or other big cities, there are more opportunities.

You are in a new city and ready to take one of your pictures. What’s the first thing or the first place you looking for?

When I visit a new city, I always look for places with crowd. Then I observe people and the visual environment to try thinking about possible juxtapositions.​

But to be honest I don’t only focus on humor scenes, I just walk and observe people and capture things I like.

Sometimes, it's funny scenes, sometimes, it's just aesthetic, to me. It's the lottery, even if sometimes, we can find a spot and hope for a special thing, a special moment.

Has your job been influenced by who or what?

I can't say my photography is inspired by a specific photographer, even if I like many photographers. For my Analogies series, ​it's the life, the people I met in the streets who inspire me and the images I do. And of course, my weird imagination. ​In the daily life, I spend lots of time laughing with my girlfriend, my friends. Not taking yourself seriously makes it so much easier​ to catch some funny, stupid or weird scenes.

Life is a joke, streetphotography is a joke, this is my main inspiration.

Who would you suggest to follow on Instagram and why?

If u want to see funny images with a strong aesthetic, I urge you to follow ​​ @mattu​1 (Matt Stuart)​​, @paulrussel99 (Paul Russel),​ ​@kenwalton (Ken Walton)​​​, @edaswong (KinWing Edas Wong), @artytl​, @todd__gross​ (Todd Gross) and of course one of the master @paubuscato (Pau Buscató)!​


Cedric Roux born in 1982, he lives in Paris, which is a special place to have some funny scenes.

He really starts street photography late 2013 after many years watching pictures on the internet. He felt a strange diffidence, ​he didn't dare but 2 trips in NY gave him ​the courage to surpass special feeling of fear.




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