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Watch reality with a smiling mind

A rush of pink to the head

Why did you take Street Photography’s street among many directions of photography?

Because I simply fell in love with that type of photography. Street Photography personalizes a common situation. With a street photograph you can create a relation between people and surroundings. It’s possible to give your unique point of view especially in common places and you don’t need much apart from a camera (or a phone) and paying attention to what you want.

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You said that through Street Photography you can isolate yourself from the world. Why is this so important in what you do?

I like it because I can really feel myself while shooting: my feelings, my emotions, my creative ideas. Actually it’s not something I do on purpose, I simply realize this happens to me while I’m with my camera.


You catch some moments of life, which anybody could see, but the important thing to do is watching. Do you remember the first click or the first situation that makes you smile and realize the difference between glimpse and watching?

Yes it was while I was taking part in a competition. I was walking around and at some point I realized that in front of me there was a man reading a sticker menu on a shop window. The funny thing was that close to the menu there was a real size woman, a sticker like the menu, but actually the man reading the menu and the sticker of the woman were in the same pose. There I realized the difference between glimpse and watching: probably most of the people would have seen simply a man reading and not a relation between fiction and reality.

Green Three

Everyday life is the main topic in your shots. How does Street Photography influence your daily life?

I’m always with my camera and, most of all, I’m always paying attention to people and their gestures. You know, a monument is always there and everyone can make a photo of the Colosseum, but people are what makes the difference in life.

(Your) smile

Has your job been influenced by who or what?

Well, I cannot talk about influence but for sure I have to thank all the people that tell something that makes me think and grow. Most of all: Valeria Tofanelli (@valeria_tofanelli) that besides being a great Street Photographer, is a real friend.


Who would you suggest to follow on Instagram and why?

I have many Street Photographers to suggest, some of them I like most are: @juliacoddington (Julia Coddington), @aliveisthecity (Jonathan Higbee), @tavepong_street (Tavepong Pratoomwong). Apart from Street Photography, there is one person I definitely suggest to follow: @luccico (Luciano Cina) and the reason is because if you follow his account you will never stop dreaming.



She was born in 1982 in Rome, where she live. She is graduated in Construction Engineering and she has always had two great passions in her life: photography and drawing.

In recent years, she has come close to Street Photography, realizing that it is the branch of photography that attracts her most because it keeps her alive. Making Street Photography taught her even more to look at the details. It isolates her from the world and projects her into an intimate and personal dimension in which colors, feelings, and the unpredictability of life converge together in a single click. She makes color photographs because she likes to return reality as it is and she cannot feel black and white as a way of approaching reality.

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