A colorful beach and a mysterious back

You tell us that you take photos of everything you have around. Why do you decide to represent the world around you through photography? What are some things that fascinate you the most about this kind of world’s view/expression?
I have really very bad memory and I hate to forget things (something that happens to me constantly). At first I saw my camera as an instrument that would help me remember people, places, atmospheres, trips... Somehow, I felt that if I taked photos, the things would live forever. It´s a very magical way of understanding photography, even childish. Then I began to discover that I really enjoyed to take photos. I was fascinated by the idea of portraying the world as I saw it.
Now I am very focus on Street Photography because I have never studied photography and the city offers me many opportunities to continue learning, but I really like to take photos of everything. The hands of my mother, a cake, a house, a roof, a face, a loaf of bread, an empty space, a bed unmade, a landscape ... Everything that makes me click and that I want to keep in my memories.

You say that you love looking at people and, indeed, the main characters of your pics are people, most of them are back’s portraits. Why do you choose the back’s portraits to represent these people?
When you show peoples face, you can automatically identify them. I like the mystery keeping in secret the face of the character, so the imagination goes off and can end up being anyone you want. I don´t feel important to tell who is that person sometimes. I just like to express what their presence suggests to me or just show what they might be seeing.

Your pics were taken in Benidorm. What singular episode happened in this place that you remember and keeps you smile?
Ooooh, I can tell you lots of stories. I've been here for twenty summers. As a big holiday city, in Benidorm people allow themselves beeing totally transparent. This is what you do when you feel nobody knows you. Basically, the complexities are left aside. I love that.

The colours have also a main role in your pictures. What is about them? What is your favourite colour and why?
Some people react to shadows, lights or landscapes. I react to color. I am crazy about pastel color, especially about the pink (although in Candy Beach predominates the blue for obvious reasons). It is not something deliberate, in fact, at the beginning I tried to control myself and test with other color palettes, but finally I simply let myself go. Pink generates loves and hatreds, and I like this. For example, my landlor asked me what color I would choose if I would have the chance to paint my front building. He was meeting the paintersat the landing and they were looking pantones. I told them all convinced: "Pink, of course!". They looked at me amazed and laughed out loud. I think they're still laughing at me. That would not have happened to any other color. It's great.

Has your job been influenced by who or what?
I am more of pictures than of authors, as I am more of songs than of bands. But I admit that I am very of Martin Parr, especially his photos about things and details and their colors. But I feel very influenced by the cinema. I love the power of Kubrick's shots, Hitchcock's compositions, the faces of Sergio Leone, every film in Technicolor... I feel the cinema has taught me everything I know about photography. Have you seen the colors of Jacques Tati?

Who would you suggest to follow on Instagram and why?
I recommend the following collectives of photography above all. I belong to @lacalleesnuestracolectivo, specialized in Street Photography. This group has carried out a very important work and some of its members have a lot of personality and high quality works. I have discovered authors that I actually love thanks to them. My latest discovery has been @matthenryphoto (Matt Henry), I love his series The Trip.

Bambi lives in Madrid. She studied Journalism, her professional career has been dedicated to Creativity in various agencies in Spain and for more than a year she takes photos of everything she has around her.

