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Playing with reality

You told me the Street Photography is a game for you and this is very curious. Could you explain it?

Yes it is a game for me, but not in the sense of something unimportant or an accessory. It is vital for me; an important part of who I am. Through Street Photography I have the chance to play with my everyday and show it as something different. Maybe I'm bored of our widely accepted reality and I just need to play with it, to show an alternative one that appeals more to me. Like in many other games, luck plays an important role here, but also does creative observation, intuition and an almost obsessive dedication.

The imagination is very important for this kind of photos. What is the imagination for you? Have you got a your definition?

Imagination is a very important part of this kind of photography. It's a creative tool that has its source in each one's inner world, and for me, one of the best ways to enrich that inner world and empower our imagination with new ideas is to read good literature and poetry. I have probably been more influenced by writers than by other photographers.

In your biography we can read you started to shooting black and white film and then move to colour. What prompted you to make this change?

I shot black and white film during a year or so, as an exercise to learn the basics of photography and focus on what really matters: the photograph. I did that because I had previously spent a year and a half where my main focus was in cameras, lenses, sharpness, bokeh, 3d pop effect and other silly things. So I sold all my gear and started all over again.

Black and white is by default an abstraction from reality, because reality is in colour. So it made sense that if my intention was to show an alternative, more personal version of it, it should also be in colour. It is more challenging because that level of abstraction must be achieved by more creative means.

Which are the words that best describe your photos and why?

Patience: I spend many, many hours out there.

Intuition: It's what guides me when I'm shooting.

Fun: I play Street Photography, not just practice it.

Has your job been influenced by who or what?

It has been influenced by lots of things. Movies, books, music, photographers, people I met, etc. But the most important influence is probably books. I often think that I came to photography by way of literature: Poe, Conrad, Cortazar, Salinas, Cernuda or Rilke to name a few. Many times my work feels like I'm photographing a metaphor.

Who would you suggest to follow on Instagram and why?

@Iocaburg (Mark Powell), @dimitrismakrygiannakis (Dimitris Makrygiannakis), @ola_billmont (Ola Billmont), @nilsjorgensen_ (Nils Jorgensen) or @jacksimon (Jack Simon). There are many great photographers out there.


Born in Barcelona on the same day as Angelina Jolie, and since 2009 living in Norway. He started my photographic journey around 2010, although didn't focus on Street Photography until a couple of years later. After a year of shooting black and white film and developing at home, it all really, really started when in February 2014 he decided to move on to colour.




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