It's said the fish stimulates the brain... And in this case also the imagination

Happylunedi. The first question can be only: Why this nickname? (For example I think Monday is most challenging than happy)
I agree, I quickly chose it while I was signing in to Instagram but the concept is the same: how to re-start on Monday and the Happy is a good auspicious. Monday is undervalued and unfortunate. Mine is a tribute.

You told me that your favorites verbs: to do, to finish and to disapper. I can understand to do and to finish, but to disappear is very enigmatic. Why do you like so much?
TO DO : we are bombarded with good intentions but the facts are the synthesis of these. And we love the synthesis.
TO FINISH: as attitude. We walk along, but we never stop really.
DISAPPEAR : step aside, we have to focus our attention on gesture.
There is another verb: PRESERVE.
PRESERVE: to know ourselves, defend the identity and not lose our way. It seems me appropriate.

The series about fish is very witty, I would say Happy . Where does the idea come from?
Sardines cost 3/4 € per kilo not cleaned. I buy them, and before cleaning them I observe them and they are beautiful. I play with them in the most respectful way possible.

Who would you suggest to follow on Instagram and why?
Romana Meggiolaro (@romana_meggiolaro) because she is amazing and professional. Bedirsmalibu (@bedirsmalibu) because she is hilarious and fresh. Jenleste (@jenleste) because is acid.

Mirco Malerba (1979 ) is a surveyor freelancer since 2002.
He is born in Sassuolo (MO), but he weaned in polesine on the Po Delta, place of the parents’ birth, and then he grew in Fiorano Modenese, where they live today.
He dedicates himself to photography since '99, when he began shooting the first photos with a Konica SLR and the photos of his first two rollers, once developed, were completely green and black .
Today he has several cameras, but he hasn’t a digital apart from the mobile phone.